Liebster Award 2014

A large thank you goes out to Disney Fairytale Files.  We have been nominated for a Liebster Award.  This award goes out every spring and showcases up and coming bloggers who have less than 500 followers.  This is a great way for newer blogs to reach a wider audience and all of us fellow bloggers to help each other out.

The rules for Liebster Awards are simple:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.

2. Answer the 11 questions they asked you.

3. Nominate 11 other blogs who have less than 500 followers.

4. Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer.

5. Let your nominees know you’ve chosen them by visiting their page and leaving a comment. 

6. No tag backs!

So, with all that being said, Woody and I have gone through and answered the questions we were given.

1.) If you could be any animated character who would you choose?

Woody:  Sheriff Woody

Buzz:  Buzz Lightyear

2.) What’s your favorite attraction at any Disney park?

W:  It’s a tie! Splash Mountain and Haunted Mansion

B:  Space Mountain

3.) What is your least favorite Disney movie and why?

W:  Pinocchio because I haven’t seen it in years and I remember being scared watching it as a kid. I love Jiminey Cricket though!

B:  Snow White and the Seven Dwarves because it scares me and I don’t like Snow White’s voice.

4.) What was your favorite grade in school?

W:  1st grade

B:  Kindergarten

5.) If you could host a talk show who would be your first guest?

W:  Tim Tebow, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Hanks

B:  Julie Andrews

6.) If your life was a song, what song would it be?

W:  Compass by Lady Antebellum

B:  Dust by Eli Young Band

7.) Rain or Snow?

W:  Snow

B:  Rain (thunder storms are my favorite!)

8.) What is your favorite sports team?

W:  Colorado Avalanche

B:  I’m a big sports fan, but I don’t really follow specific teams (based on my family I’m a New York Rangers and Mets fan)

9.) How many hours do you spend on the internet each day?

W&B:  More than we’d both like to admit.

10.) What is the first thing you do in the morning?

W:  I snooze the alarm on my phone.

B:  Put my glasses on so I’m not blind.

11.) Favorite vacation spot?

W:  Hawai’i (I’ve only been once, but I loved it!)

B:  The Netherlands (Holland) or Croatia (I visit my grandparents in Croatia every summer)


Now, it’s our turn!  Below are the questions we would like our nominees to answer!

  1. Who is your idol and why?
  2. What is your dream car?
  3. What was your favorite Disney Channel show prior to the current line-up?
  4. Walt Disney World or Disneyland?
  5. If you could live inside one movie plot/setting, what would it be?
  6. If you could live through only one kind of weather pattern the rest of your life, which would you choose?
  7. Coke or Pepsi?
  8. If you could be best friends with any Disney character, who would it be?
  9. Dream job?
  10. Which fairy talent do you wish you had (Think Tink)?
  11. Best book you’ve read?

And, drum roll please, we nominate:

  1. Disney In Your Day
  2. Mouse University Online
  3. Eating WDW
  4. It’s “All in WDW”
  5. Bernhard/Playhard
  6. Disney With Me
  7. Lessons as I learn them
  8. Why Hello Dolly
  9. My Live Action Disney Project
  10. Disney for Five+
  11. Muffy’s Fitness Blog

And thanks again to Disney Fairytale Files for the Liebster nomination!

Alrighty nominees! Good luck, have fun, and have a magical day!! °o°

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